Journaling With Intention

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Use Journaling to clarify your vision, navigate through stuck areas and create the life you want.

Are you ready to transform your life, achieve your goals, and go on a journey of Self-discovery?

If yes, you are in the right place. This PDF Ebook will help you with that.

In a world full of consumption and seeking external highs, journaling helps us reconnect with ourselves. Journaling with intention expands on the traditional methods of journaling so that we can use it to help make life decisions that are right for us.

How can this help you?

Journaling is a powerful and underutilized tool that can help you steer the direction of your life in a more purposeful and impactful way. We do that by exploring 3 Journaling practices aimed at strategically using different parts of you.

Tell me more:

1. The Great Excavation Journaling Practice is where you strategically craft the life you want. You do this by:

  • Uncovering your desires and north star so you can use your resources (time, energy, and effort) in the right direction.
  • Uncovering your true values and what you stand for.
  • Recognizing your strength and truth within so that you can remain grounded in times of self-doubt.
  • Understanding ‘fear’ and change, its impact, and how to navigate through them.
  • Discovering other ways that can get us stuck and navigating through them.
  • Uncovering your joy bucket, things that feed and nourish you- and understand their importance.
  • Emphasizing the importance of Vitamin R–rest, replenishment, rejuvenation.

We offer bite-sized lessons and around ten prompts/ scripts to flesh out these details.

2. The Deep Cleanse Journaling Practice -In this practice, we help you understand your feelings and emotions and their role. It covers:

  • ·How can journaling help safely regulate your feelings and emotions so that it doesn’t lead to sudden outbursts or recklessness?
  • Learn to harness their wisdom and let go of those not serving you.

3. Journaling for Joy

We provide 20 Prompts to kick-start your Journaling journey so you can develop a natural knack for journaling purely for the joy of writing.

Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock your potential and live a more fulfilled life.

Invest in yourself and start your transformation today.

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Journaling With Intention

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